Winter Vacation Rental Tips: Catering to Snow Enthusiasts

Winter Vacation Rental Tips: Catering to Snow Enthusiasts

You might not believe that 23% of Americans prefer to go on vacation during the winter.

Winter can be a magical season, especially for those who love snow and all the activities it brings. If you own a vacation rental, you should cater to these types of travelers.

What can you do to make your winter vacation rental more appealing? Read on to learn what travelers look for when renting a vacation home during the winter.

Embrace Cozy Amenities

Winter vacation rental guests are seeking warmth and comfort. Equip your vacation rental home with these cozy amenities:

  • A fireplace
  • Heated floors
  • Plush blankets

The goal is to create a snug and inviting atmosphere for your guests to relax after a day of playing in the snow.

Prepare for Outdoor Activities

Snow enthusiasts are all about outdoor fun. Make sure your short-term rental property is ready for winter sports and activities. If it's near a ski resort, provide a designated space for storing equipment like skis, snowboards, and sleds.

You should also offer information about the following:

  • Local winter attractions
  • Ice skating rinks
  • Snowshoeing trails
  • Sledding hills

Snow Removal and Safety

During the winter, keeping walkways and driveways clear of snow and ice is a must. Hire a reliable snow removal service to ensure your guests' safety. You don't want your guests to struggle with snow-covered driveways or icy paths.

Winter-Proof Your Winter Vacation Rental Property

Winter can be harsh, so make sure your vacation rental home is winter-proofed. Ensure your heating system is in top shape and windows and doors are properly sealed to keep the cold air out. This not only keeps your guests comfortable but can also save on energy costs.

Offer Flexible Vacation Rental Hosting

Winter travelers often appreciate flexibility in booking and check-in/check-out times. If possible, allow for flexible check-in and check-out hours to accommodate guests' travel schedules, especially those arriving after a long journey in wintry conditions.

Highlight Indoor Entertainment

Winter can be unpredictable with storms and freezing temperatures. This is why you should have the following indoor entertainment options:

  • Board games
  • A DVD collection
  • A streaming service

Even if the weather doesn't cooperate, your guests can still have a great time indoors.

Welcome Winter Decor

Decorate your rental property to embrace the winter theme. Add these festive touches:

  • Snowflake decorations
  • Warm-toned furnishings
  • Soft, fuzzy rugs

A winter wonderland atmosphere can greatly enhance your guests' experience.

Provide Winter Essentials

Don't assume your guests will have all the winter gear they need. Offer these winter essentials:

  • Shovels
  • Ice melt
  • A variety of winter coats, gloves, and scarves for different sizes

Having these items available shows your guests you've thought about their needs.

These Types of Investment Properties Are Great for Winter Vacationers

Renting a vacation home to snow enthusiasts during the winter season can be a lucrative venture. With these winter vacation rental tips, your property will be a go-to destination for snow enthusiasts.

Running a profitable vacation rental business is so much easier with a property management team. Contact PMI Mountain Collection to hear about our phenomenal property management solutions.
